Name Amendment Filing to Change Your Company Name | InCorp

Name Amendments

We provide Name Amendment Service for all 50 U.S. states and D.C.

When do I need to do a Name Amendment?

If you have a Limited Liability Company (LLC), Limited Partnership (LP), Limited Liability Partnership (LLP), corporation, or other legal entity and you wish to legally change its name, then you need to file for a Name Amendment (Articles of Amendment) in the state in which the entity is registered. If your entity is foreign qualified, then it is also usually necessary to file for name amendments in all the other states you do business within. When you file a Name Amendment, your Federal Tax ID will remain unaffected.

Articles of Amendment

Once you have decided to change your corporation, LLC or other business name you must file Articles of Amendment (also known as Certificate of Amendment) to go with your Articles of Incorporation/Organization. This process usually requires consent from the corporate board of directors and sometimes its shareholders.

Prior to filing your Articles of Amendment you need to check the availability of the name you wish to change to.

We can help you file your Name Amendment in minutes!

  • Step 1: Order Now and you will be taken to a short order form where you can enter all your relevant information.
  • Step 2: You will receive your Name Amendment paperwork in the mail.

Order your Name Amendment now, only $99!

If you are looking to create a fictitious business name you need to create a DBA (Doing Business As) and InCorp can help you with that as well, with our DBA Filing Service!

InCorp will beat any competitor's price* on any product or service!

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